Football Demographics

An understanding of demographic and other environmental data allows football specific data to be better placed in context. For example, setting future participation targets, ticket prices, suitability of venue hosts or analysing TV audience figures cannot be effectively done without the broader context.

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Supporting Data

The Intelligence Centre Football Demographics database aggregates feeds from numerous widely recognised datasets, such as the World Bank, IMF, and CIA factsheets. However more data transformation work is necessary to generate analysis in the specific football family context. For example the fact that numerous UEFA (or other confederation) member associations do not map directly to Country based datasets, necessitates complementary data. So for example ONS figures dividing the UK into the four UEFA member associations are used and applied to the base data sets. The database links numerous data sets including:

Breakdown UEFA member association demographics
UEFA Grass participation rates & trends
Breakdown UEFA national association economic and development indicators
Other relevant member association statistics such as media penetration

Example Questions We Can Answer

By combining our network of databases together with professional industry experience, the Intelligence Centre can provide answers to a range of strategic off-pitch football questions.

Sample Analyses and Trends